We’ve all heard the term “time flies”, but few of us are aware of the full reality: “Time flies, but you are the pilot.”
Yes, time is going to whiz by and wait for no man. Yet, even though you can’t control how fast time will pass, you can direct where you will end up in the process. Because thankfully, your time is YOUR time, and cannot be wasted by someone else – unless you permit it.
That is amazing news! Yet, many of us are just clueless on how to cultivate a confident and in-control attitude towards our purpose and plans. So to get you started, here are 5 keys that helped me.
1) Get convicted
Beloved, if you aren’t tired of being tired about your current state, then you won’t really change.
But it’s time to grow up and take a look in the mirror. Your lack of passion and false humility is helping no one and getting you nowhere soon. Get some urgency about your life and agree to stop making excuses for your complacent lifestyle.
It may have been cute at 14, but coasting in your twenties and thirties is no longer a good look.
[bctt tweet=”Only you can make your purpose a priority.”]
There are 17 year olds out here becoming millionaires off their own hard work.
So wake up and get a clue on why Jesus died for you – there must’ve be something worth saving you for, right? Of course!
So take some time to reflect in prayer and ask yourself, “Which tasks move me to get things done effortlessly and passionately?”. Then make yourself a priority this year and commit to being most effective where you’re most effective.
God’s given you the freedom, but only you can make this choice.
“So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” – Colossians 1:10
2) Get clear
Seriously lionheart, what do you want?
Decide what really matters to you, and where you desire to end up in life. Only then can you finally focus and commit to a plan that will get you there faster. Writing it down also helps reveal how tolerant you’ve become of all the foolishness sabotaging those dreams.
Of course, if you just want to wish for things to change then you can stop reading this blog post.
But if you realize that you are the CEO of SELF industries and will be held accountable for how your corporation rises or falls, then it’s time to develop a clear plan lionheart.
It’s pretty hard to be the light of the world if your own life isn’t showing others a clear path to follow in Christ.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” –Psalm 119:105
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” –Habakkuk 2:2
3) Get competent
Sis, watching every episode of Scandal’s 5 seasons will only gain you confidence to rant among your friends. However, don’t expect any leaps in character for dedicating over 90 hours to idle talk (yes, that’s how many hours you’ve invested watching Olivia Pope cultivate her own confidence).
To get confident about things that matter in real life, you’ll have to dedicate that many hours to actual talents or services.
I’m not even saying you need to abandon your Scandal passion if that’s what really rocks your socks – but ask yourself how your interests can serve someone else’s needs. Then dedicate daily time to develop that skill or service.
AwesomelyLuvvie.com produced major boosts in her influence and income by turning her Scandal rush into weekly recaps & rhetoric for viewers on her blog. So don’t overthink this. Progressing in your purpose just means you start thinking like a creator, not a consumer.
“Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” –Proverbs 22:29
4) Get consistent
It’s true. Nothing can boost your confidence like consistency can. And nothing keeps you more stuck than inconsistency will. It’s amazing how just sticking to your plan long enough will take you places that most other people only dream of – because only few endure past challenging times.
The trick to being consistent though, is to focus on ONE thing at a time.
Even if you have 5 passions exploding in your heart, decide to start with only one and guard it with your life until it’s fully birthed. Once that craft is pretty much self-sufficient, you can draw from the existing momentum and resources to add more. So when God stirs you to go after something purposeful, expect it to be a long road.
But settle it in your heart not to come back until you get it.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” –1 Corinthians 15:58
5) Get a calendar
So simple yet so vital. Look beloved, if you don’t take your own plans seriously enough to write them down, why do you think anyone else will?
Confident women know that they have an obligation to fulfill their own calling on their lives, which requires intentionally managing their time.
Therefore, they write out a clear plan for progress, and refer to frequently before permitting anyone else to hijack their schedule. And when I refer to “confident women”, I’m really referring to that boss lady CEO of SELF Industries – remember her?
Yes, you!
My fearless feline, it’s time you set clear appointments for your dates with destiny, and treat them like a meeting with Oprah. Because I’m guessing if she wanted to meet today, you wouldn’t brush her off for “whenever I find some time”, right?! Right.
Some examples of a purposeful agenda would include undistracted time with God to get clear vision, regular practices to learn or develop your gifts, and slotted events to attend where you can witness people already excelling in a similar field.
“So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom.” –Psalm 90:12
And those are just 5 steps to get you going.
[bctt tweet=”Don’t take your calling off your to-do list this year – it’s where everything you’re craving resides.”]
But here are no magic pills or potions sis – just a decision to pick up the same tools used by successful people and start putting them to work for you.
Ready to join other young women kicking confusion & compromise to the curb? Sign up here for the Free 3-Day Confidence Challenge, and let’s roar!
Comment below and let me know one of your strategies for making sure 2017 is not just another mediocre year.
Catch you on the ‘gram lionheart.
Love you!
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