Yo, fear is a real emotion! We’ve all been in it’s grip at one point. Some fears are even God-given, to keep us from constantly putting ourselves in danger’s way.
However, fear becomes unhealthy the minute we choose to obey it’s voice rather than God’s.
That kind of fear is often linked to demonic influence or people-pleasing (but many times “people” really means “self”). So God gave us over 365 commands in the Bible to not submit to fear, because He knew we’d need the daily reminder 🙂
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9
Here a few other reasons to call fear on it’s bluff – because a bluff is all it is if God has already spoken on the matter:
- 1. It’s not about you.
Seriously beloved, take a look at the universe around you and realize that Jesus owns the high horse you’re sitting on. Refusing to obey God because of your fear of the unknown arrogantly declares that Jesus should’ve gotten your approval before making any moves.
Yet we all know He’s God all by Himself and has every detail figured out. So let’s not respond as if heaven has to do things your way. Surrender to His plans. Then watch the kingdom advance to accomplish more than you ever could from your limited perspective.
But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” -Romans 9:20
- 2. God didn’t give you a spirit of fear.
So if God didn’t give you that spirit, guess whose spirit you’re harboring? The devil’s. You remember him, right? That ultimate hater and enemy of your soul. Let’s stop acting spiritually dumb.
[bctt tweet=”Satan is real & he sends fear to bully you out of God’s plans. #PointBlankPeriod”]
But everything you need is in God’s plans, so who will you listen to – the enemy who has plans to destroy you, or God’s plans to give you a hope and a future? You decide. I plan to choose Jesus’ power, love, and His sound mind.
It would be a shame to die having let the devil use me more than God.
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. -2 Timothy 2:17
- 3. You can’t save yourself anyway.
Jesus didn’t just shed water to save you. He died for you to access a relationship where God can share all sides of Himself with you. This means the Creator of all things wants to be your Defender when you’re vulnerable, your Lover when you’re lonely, and your Provider when you’re in need. However, these things can only happen when you decide to follow His lead outside the box you’ve always known.
What’s funny is, you’re probably worried even inside the box! You’re so in control of your life that you’re the only “god” you really trust. Yet, even you know you can’t protect yourself if it all falls apart.
But true faith is a muscle that has to be developed sis’.
Choose to step out on what the Word says, so you can finally get to know a Mighty God who will always be there, even when it all falls apart.
For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” -Romans 8:15
Can you remember a time when you pushed past fear and actually gained something beautiful? Share in the comments! Or subscribe below for more lionheart strategies:
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