Your sex drive does not need a test drive.
Unless competing for best sex in the city, constantly putting your private parts up for audition will not get you a role in the movie of Love. Our culture would have us believe that the best relationships are built on instantly amazing sex or “trying out your partner before buying” – but if you listen closely, those same sex-obsessed songs and movies eventually spill over with the tears and heartbreak of living on such a cracked foundation.
Sex is awkward, and painful, and complicated … and then amazing, because it was meant to be perfected between two committed individuals in marriage. Not because it needs to be practiced on a random individuals to be perfected for your wedding day.
God gave you a powerful sex drive – so He is not threatened by it.
Instead of thinking He does not understand, submit your desires to Him and allow the manufacturer of pleasure to train you up in the discipline and patience that is required for true love and intimacy to last.
Focusing on great sex carries a deadly “satisfy my needs” mentality, which will eventually smother any lover’s flame. But selfless passion is the guaranteed diesel fuel that will kick your romance into high gear for decades to come, until death do you part.
Love you lionheart.
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